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杜瑞燕 | A.Prof. DU Ruiyan

  • 葡京集团网站博士学位,副教授,硕士生导师

    • 电子邮箱/E-mail:ruiyandu@126.com
    • 办公室/Office:
    • 讲授课程/Subjects:高等数学
    • 答疑时间/Office Hours:每周一下午17:00-18:00
    • 个人简介:1978年2月生,女,汉族,河北省邢台人,副教授,博士,葡京集团网站硕士生导师。
    • 课程教学:本科生课程:

    • 项目课题:研究方向:



      [1]  基于环境认知的频谱资源多域动态共享方法研究, 葡京集团网站基本业务费青年教师科研启动基金项目, 2014.01-2015.12, 在研, 主持人

      [2]  基于OFDMA的无线通信系统的同步技术研究, 河北省教育厅自然科学研究指导计划项目, 2012.01-2014.12, 已结题, 主持人

      [3]  天线阵列波束自适应重构方法研究, 河北省科技支撑计划项目, 2011.01-2013.12, 已结题, 第二参与人

      [4]  基于动态规划的鲁棒自适应波束优化控制方法研究, 河北省教育厅自然科学研究指导计划项目, 2010.01-2012.12, 已结题, 第三参与人
    • 研究成果:主要论文:

      [1]  Ruiyan Du, Jinkuan Wang, Fulai Liu, Liqun Shan. Unitary-ESPRIT algorithm for carrier frequency offset estimation for interleaved OFDMA uplink systems[J], Wireless Personal Communications, 2013, 69(4): 1615-1627.(SCI/EI检索: 000316914800031/20 132816476589)

      [2]  Ruiyan Du, Fulai Liu, Lu Peng, W-L1-SRACV Algorithm for Direction-of-arrival Estimation[J], Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 38, 165-176, 2013.(EI检索: 20131516200395)

      [3]  Ruiyan Du, Lu Zhang, Fulai Liu, Shouming Guo, An effective spectrum allocation method based on color sensitive graph coloring theory for CR networks[J], Journal of Information and Computational Science, Vol. 10, No. 16, 5113-5121, 2013.(EI检索: 20134917048368)

      [4]  Ruiyan Du, Fulai Liu, Jinkuan Wang. Space-Time Matrix Method for Mixed Near-Field and Far-Field Sources Localization[J], Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 36, 131-137, 2014.(EI检索: 20142317785840)

      [5]  杜瑞燕, 汪晋宽. 一种基于压缩感知理论的频偏估计算法[J], 葡京集团网站学报, 33(7), pp. 938-940, 2012.(EI检索: 20123715424905).

      [6]  Ruiyan Du, Jinkuan Wang, Yanli Bo, Liang Cui. Carrier frequency offset estimation algorithm based on compressive sensing theory for interleaved OFDMA uplink systems[J], Information Technology Journal, 11(9), pp.1286- 1291, 2012.(EI检索: 20122715214059)

      [7]  Ruiyan Du, Jinkuan Wang. Novel blind CFO estimator for uplink interleaved OFDMA systems[J], International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its applications, 6(3), pp. 158-166, 2012. (EI检索: 20121114855003)

      [8]  Ruiyan Du, Jinkuan Wang. Carrier frequency offset estimation based on unitary-ESPRIT for interleaved OFDMA uplink systems[J], Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences, 4(5), pp. 217-225, 2012.(EI检索: 20121414931376)

      [9]  Ruiyan Du, Jinkuan Wang, Fulai Liu. Carrier frequency offset estimation using unitary-MUSIC for interleaved OFDMA uplink systems[J], Journal of Information and Computational Science, 8(16): 4309-4316, 2012.(EI检索: 20120214672876)

      [10] Ruiyan Du, Jinkuan Wang, Fulai Liu, Yanli Bo, Liang Cui. An effective CFO estimation method based on unitary transformation for interleaved OFDMA uplink systems [J], Procedia Engineering, 29, pp.2308-2312, 2012. (EI检索: 20121214882953)

      [11] Ruiyan Du, Jinkuan Wang, Liqun Shan, Fulai Liu, Fengming Xin. Unitary-ESPRIT algorithm for carrier frequency offset estimation in OFDM systems, ICIC Express Letters, 5(9A), pp.3015-3020, 2011.(EI检索: 20113714320694)

      [12] Ruiyan Du, Jinkuan Wang, Liqun Shan, Fulai Liu. CFO matrix method and performance analysis for carrier frequency offset estimation in OFDMA uplink[J], ICIC Express Letters, 5(4A), pp.1137-1144, 2011.(EI检索: 20111113744382)


      [1]  刘群, 杜瑞燕. 经济数学——微积分. 北京: 清华大学出版社, 2011.

个人简介 / Introduction


课程教学 / Subjects



项目课题 / Projects




[1]  基于环境认知的频谱资源多域动态共享方法研究, 葡京集团网站基本业务费青年教师科研启动基金项目, 2014.01-2015.12, 在研, 主持人

[2]  基于OFDMA的无线通信系统的同步技术研究, 河北省教育厅自然科学研究指导计划项目, 2012.01-2014.12, 已结题, 主持人

[3]  天线阵列波束自适应重构方法研究, 河北省科技支撑计划项目, 2011.01-2013.12, 已结题, 第二参与人

[4]  基于动态规划的鲁棒自适应波束优化控制方法研究, 河北省教育厅自然科学研究指导计划项目, 2010.01-2012.12, 已结题, 第三参与人

研究成果 / Achievements


[1]  Ruiyan Du, Jinkuan Wang, Fulai Liu, Liqun Shan. Unitary-ESPRIT algorithm for carrier frequency offset estimation for interleaved OFDMA uplink systems[J], Wireless Personal Communications, 2013, 69(4): 1615-1627.(SCI/EI检索: 000316914800031/20 132816476589)

[2]  Ruiyan Du, Fulai Liu, Lu Peng, W-L1-SRACV Algorithm for Direction-of-arrival Estimation[J], Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 38, 165-176, 2013.(EI检索: 20131516200395)

[3]  Ruiyan Du, Lu Zhang, Fulai Liu, Shouming Guo, An effective spectrum allocation method based on color sensitive graph coloring theory for CR networks[J], Journal of Information and Computational Science, Vol. 10, No. 16, 5113-5121, 2013.(EI检索: 20134917048368)

[4]  Ruiyan Du, Fulai Liu, Jinkuan Wang. Space-Time Matrix Method for Mixed Near-Field and Far-Field Sources Localization[J], Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 36, 131-137, 2014.(EI检索: 20142317785840)

[5]  杜瑞燕, 汪晋宽. 一种基于压缩感知理论的频偏估计算法[J], 葡京集团网站学报, 33(7), pp. 938-940, 2012.(EI检索: 20123715424905).

[6]  Ruiyan Du, Jinkuan Wang, Yanli Bo, Liang Cui. Carrier frequency offset estimation algorithm based on compressive sensing theory for interleaved OFDMA uplink systems[J], Information Technology Journal, 11(9), pp.1286- 1291, 2012.(EI检索: 20122715214059)

[7]  Ruiyan Du, Jinkuan Wang. Novel blind CFO estimator for uplink interleaved OFDMA systems[J], International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its applications, 6(3), pp. 158-166, 2012. (EI检索: 20121114855003)

[8]  Ruiyan Du, Jinkuan Wang. Carrier frequency offset estimation based on unitary-ESPRIT for interleaved OFDMA uplink systems[J], Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences, 4(5), pp. 217-225, 2012.(EI检索: 20121414931376)

[9]  Ruiyan Du, Jinkuan Wang, Fulai Liu. Carrier frequency offset estimation using unitary-MUSIC for interleaved OFDMA uplink systems[J], Journal of Information and Computational Science, 8(16): 4309-4316, 2012.(EI检索: 20120214672876)

[10] Ruiyan Du, Jinkuan Wang, Fulai Liu, Yanli Bo, Liang Cui. An effective CFO estimation method based on unitary transformation for interleaved OFDMA uplink systems [J], Procedia Engineering, 29, pp.2308-2312, 2012. (EI检索: 20121214882953)

[11] Ruiyan Du, Jinkuan Wang, Liqun Shan, Fulai Liu, Fengming Xin. Unitary-ESPRIT algorithm for carrier frequency offset estimation in OFDM systems, ICIC Express Letters, 5(9A), pp.3015-3020, 2011.(EI检索: 20113714320694)

[12] Ruiyan Du, Jinkuan Wang, Liqun Shan, Fulai Liu. CFO matrix method and performance analysis for carrier frequency offset estimation in OFDMA uplink[J], ICIC Express Letters, 5(4A), pp.1137-1144, 2011.(EI检索: 20111113744382)


[1]  刘群, 杜瑞燕. 经济数学——微积分. 北京: 清华大学出版社, 2011.

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