学院服务直通车:0335-8396075 sstc@neuq.edu.cn



Mr. Thaarish Rishi Bujram

    • 电子邮箱/E-mail:tbujramcn@gmail.com
    • 办公室/Office:科技楼6034
    • 讲授课程/Subjects:EAP1S1
    • 答疑时间/Office Hours:每周一上午8:00-9:50
    • 个人简介:I am an ideas’ person who sees the workplace like I see life, a challenge that never ends. I have excellent analytic abilities and the ability to think strategically. My broad skill set has been developed through my formal qualifications as well as experience, I believe I can be an asset to your organization and bring a different way of thinking to the table. My skillset is based in Accounting and Financial management as well as education, training and development. I am currently an English teacher and Trainer with 4 years teaching experience and over 10 years multinational business experience. I love working with students of all ages and creating a fun, safe, and exciting learning environment for my students.
    • 课程教学:EAP1S1
    • 项目课题:Not applicable
    • 研究成果:Not applicable

个人简介 / Introduction

I am an ideas’ person who sees the workplace like I see life, a challenge that never ends. I have excellent analytic abilities and the ability to think strategically. My broad skill set has been developed through my formal qualifications as well as experience, I believe I can be an asset to your organization and bring a different way of thinking to the table. My skillset is based in Accounting and Financial management as well as education, training and development. I am currently an English teacher and Trainer with 4 years teaching experience and over 10 years multinational business experience. I love working with students of all ages and creating a fun, safe, and exciting learning environment for my students.

课程教学 / Subjects


项目课题 / Projects

Not applicable

研究成果 / Achievements

Not applicable

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