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Mr. James Padua Bowditch

    • 电子邮箱/E-mail:James.Bowditch@aemg.com.au
    • 办公室/Office:科技楼6034
    • 讲授课程/Subjects:English for Academic Purpose
    • 答疑时间/Office Hours:
    • 个人简介:My name is James Padua Bowditch. I was born in  Melbourne, Australia, in August 1971. I have a Bachelor of Computing (Information Systems) from Monash University, as well as a Certificate of English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA). My mother came from the Netherlands when she was 20, and I've lived and worked outside Australia, so I'm very familiar with the challenges of studying an additional language. My interests are music, drama and literature.
    • 课程教学:English for Academic Purpose
    • 项目课题:My area of work and study is English as a Second Language. I've been teaching this discipline for around 15 years. I taught English in Japan from 2003 until the tsunami in 2011. Since then I've been teaching in Australia, working with students from a variety of countries both face to face and online, preparing them for Australian higher education.
    • 研究成果:

个人简介 / Introduction

My name is James Padua Bowditch. I was born in  Melbourne, Australia, in August 1971. I have a Bachelor of Computing (Information Systems) from Monash University, as well as a Certificate of English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA). My mother came from the Netherlands when she was 20, and I've lived and worked outside Australia, so I'm very familiar with the challenges of studying an additional language. My interests are music, drama and literature.

课程教学 / Subjects

English for Academic Purpose

项目课题 / Projects

My area of work and study is English as a Second Language. I've been teaching this discipline for around 15 years. I taught English in Japan from 2003 until the tsunami in 2011. Since then I've been teaching in Australia, working with students from a variety of countries both face to face and online, preparing them for Australian higher education.

研究成果 / Achievements

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