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Dr. Mukesh Prasad

  • Senior Lecturer, Masters Research or PhD student supervision, School of Computer Science

    • 电子邮箱/E-mail:Mukesh.Prasad@uts.edu.au
    • 办公室/Office:科技楼6034
    • 讲授课程/Subjects:Business Requirements Modeling
    • 答疑时间/Office Hours:每周五上午8:00-8:50
    • 个人简介:Dr Mukesh Prasad is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Computer Science in the Faculty of Engineering and IT at UTS who has made substantial contributions to the fields of machine learning, artificial intelligence and the internet of things.
    • 课程教学:Business Requirements Modeling
    • 项目课题:Mukesh’s research interests include also big data, computer vision, brain computer interface, and evolutionary computation. He is working also in the evolving and increasingly important field of image processing, data analytics and edge computing, which promise to pave the way for the evolution of new applications and services in the areas of healthcare, biomedical, agriculture, smart cities, education, marketing and finance.
    • 研究成果:His research has appeared in numerous prestigious journals, including IEEE/ACM Transactions, and at conferences, and he has written more than 100 research papers.

个人简介 / Introduction

Dr Mukesh Prasad is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Computer Science in the Faculty of Engineering and IT at UTS who has made substantial contributions to the fields of machine learning, artificial intelligence and the internet of things.

课程教学 / Subjects

Business Requirements Modeling

项目课题 / Projects

Mukesh’s research interests include also big data, computer vision, brain computer interface, and evolutionary computation. He is working also in the evolving and increasingly important field of image processing, data analytics and edge computing, which promise to pave the way for the evolution of new applications and services in the areas of healthcare, biomedical, agriculture, smart cities, education, marketing and finance.

研究成果 / Achievements

His research has appeared in numerous prestigious journals, including IEEE/ACM Transactions, and at conferences, and he has written more than 100 research papers.

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