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Dr. Cath Moore

  • Doctor of Education, Higher Education (Liverpool, UK), Deputy Dean, Academic, AEMG

    • 电子邮箱/E-mail:catherine.moore@online.liverpool.ac.uk
    • 办公室/Office:科技楼6034
    • 讲授课程/Subjects:信息系统分析与设计
    • 答疑时间/Office Hours:每周四下午18:00-20:00
    • 个人简介:Experienced STEM academic & developer (21 years), Extensive academic leadership posts (12 years), and Learning & teaching support roles (9 years)
    • 课程教学:Information system analysis and design:

      This course introduces students to the nature and principles of information systems analysis and design. The main methods of Soft Systems Methodology and Object-Oriented (UML) system development are explored along with translating user needs into software specifications.  Students develop analytical skills in the systems development lifecycle including: system requirements analysis, problem identification, feasibility assessment and case analysis.

      A primary focus is on the initial modelling of information systems requirements that enable identification of information problems and the subsequent analysis and modelling of an efficient solution to those problems. Students gain experience in requirements elicitation and modelling and systems analysis and feasibility estimation within a system development project setting.
    • 项目课题:Continuing Open Access Online Student Attrition
    • 研究成果:2010 Australian Government Program Award for the Bachelor of Technology(Information Systems) undergraduate program for Inclusive Online Pedagogy (TeamLeader), 2008 Australian Government Citation for outstanding contributions to learning and teaching within the higher education sector (Team)

      Research output:
      h-index = 6, i10-index = 6, over 150 cites since 2014

个人简介 / Introduction

Experienced STEM academic & developer (21 years), Extensive academic leadership posts (12 years), and Learning & teaching support roles (9 years)

课程教学 / Subjects

Information system analysis and design:

This course introduces students to the nature and principles of information systems analysis and design. The main methods of Soft Systems Methodology and Object-Oriented (UML) system development are explored along with translating user needs into software specifications.  Students develop analytical skills in the systems development lifecycle including: system requirements analysis, problem identification, feasibility assessment and case analysis.

A primary focus is on the initial modelling of information systems requirements that enable identification of information problems and the subsequent analysis and modelling of an efficient solution to those problems. Students gain experience in requirements elicitation and modelling and systems analysis and feasibility estimation within a system development project setting.

项目课题 / Projects

Continuing Open Access Online Student Attrition

研究成果 / Achievements

2010 Australian Government Program Award for the Bachelor of Technology(Information Systems) undergraduate program for Inclusive Online Pedagogy (TeamLeader), 2008 Australian Government Citation for outstanding contributions to learning and teaching within the higher education sector (Team)

Research output:
h-index = 6, i10-index = 6, over 150 cites since 2014

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