UTS-新葡的京集团官网教学培训(UTS-SSTC SHADOWING PROGRAM)是由悉尼科技大学发起的,面向新葡的京集团官网开展的教师能力培训项目,旨在通过教学观摩、LX LAB活动、LX LAB研讨会、教学设计研讨会等丰富形式,进一步提升包括新葡的京集团官网在内的全校教师的国际化教学能力。此次活动是新葡的京集团官网国际师资培训的重要环节,完成培训的教师将获得相应的资格证书,并优先选派至UTS进行深造学习。时间安排详见UTS-新葡的京集团官网教师培训安排时间表(附件1)(提示:时间表里为悉尼时间)
Jan McLean 悉尼科技大学交互式媒体与学习研究所主任
Director, Institute for Interactive Media & Learning, UTS
Dr. Camille Dickson-Deane 悉尼科技大学理学部高级讲师
Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Science, UTS
MORE INFORMATION: Learner Experience Lab:The LX.lab is your place at UTS for learning and teaching support, advice and ideas. Mixing technical knowledge with learning design expertise, our team is here to help all staff with all things learning and teaching. We offer drop-in sessions, community events, collaborative workshops and more.