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时间:2020-12-02  资料来源:   作者:    浏览数:

报告题目:The Rise of AI — Opportunity & Challenge

报告人:路 节       悉尼科技大学杰出教授,工学部副院长、 澳大利亚国家人工智能研究所主任

时  间: 2020年12月11日 14:00 

地  点: 人文楼728会议室(直播连线)
Distinguished Professor Jie Lu is an ARC Laureate Fellow and internationally renowned scientist in the areas of computational intelligence, specifically in fuzzy transfer learning, concept drift, learning-based decision support systems and recommender systems. She is also the Associate Dean in Research Excellence in the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology at UTS. She is a fellow of IEEE and fellow of IFSA. She has published six research books and 400 papers in refereed journals and conference proceedings; she serves as Editor-In-Chief for Knowledge-Based Systems and International Journal on Computational Intelligence Systems.




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